SunPass Text Scams: Safeguard Yourself from Fraud

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What is scam?

The SunPass toll scam is a type of scam called “smishing,” which stands for “SMS phishing.” In this scam, criminals send fake text messages pretending to be from SunPass. The message claims you owe unpaid tolls and directs you to a fake website that looks like the real SunPass site. These scammers collect your credit card details or other personal information from these fake sites and use it for fraud or identity theft.

Scammers have recently shifted from phone call scams to text message scams, making these attacks more common. SunPass and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) have warned users that they will never ask for payment or sensitive information through unsolicited messages.

How the SunPass toll scam works

The SunPass toll scam tricks people who trust the SunPass toll system. Scammers send a text message claiming you have unpaid tolls. The amount mentioned is usually small (under $20) to make it seem real and avoid suspicion.

The scam messages create a sense of urgency by threatening additional fees if the payment isn’t made quickly. The message contains a link that takes you to a fake website that looks like the official SunPass site. Scammers copy logos, layouts, and colors to make the site seem authentic.

When you visit the fake site, you are asked to enter your payment information and other personal details, like billing addresses and security codes. This information is sent directly to the scammers, who can use it for unauthorized purchases or identity theft.

Examples of SunPass toll scams

Here are some real examples of SunPass scam messages. Names and links have been removed for safety.

  1. Hi, Please Respond. Hello [redacted], Sunpass Toll Services: We’ve noticed an outstanding toll amount of $19.51 on your record. To avoid a late fee of $50.00, visit: [redacted] to settle your balance.
  2. Summary Bill Notification. Sunpass Toll Services: We’ve noticed an outstanding toll amount of $19.51 on your record. To avoid a late fee of $50.00, visit: [redacted] to settle your account.
  3. Summary E-Toll Bill Statement to: [redacted]. Sunpass Toll Services: We have noticed an outstanding toll amount of $19.51 on your record. To avoid a late fee of $50.00, visit: [redacted] to settle your balance.

Clicking on the links in these messages takes you to a fake website pretending to be the SunPass toll payment system. Often, the web address is a slight variation of, the official SunPass website. Here are some known fake SunPass scam domains that have been shut down by the Florida Office of the Attorney General:


How to protect yourself from SunPass toll scams

While Florida’s Cyber Fraud Enforcement Unit works hard to protect residents, you can also take steps to protect yourself from SunPass toll scams.

Be cautious of scam attempts

You can avoid many phishing scams by being careful. Look for signs of scam messages, such as spelling errors and a sense of urgency. Keep calm and:

  • Verify the source: SunPass will not send unsolicited text messages asking for immediate payment. Any real message from SunPass will come from an official email address (like “”) or the number 786727. If you get a suspicious message, check the official SunPass website or contact SunPass customer service.
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links: Do not click on links in unsolicited messages. Scammers may use URL shorteners or other tricks to hide the real destination. If you are unsure, use OhioVPN’s link checker to see if the link is safe. For the best security, type “” directly into your browser or use the SunPass mobile app.

Use OhioVPN’s Threat Protection Pro

Threat Protection Pro™ helps you avoid phishing messages and fake websites like those used in the SunPass toll scam. OhioVPN was the first VPN provider to be approved by AV-Comparatives for anti-phishing protection.

Threat Protection Pro™ alerts you to scams and fraud in real time, helping you avoid malicious websites and not enter sensitive information. It checks known malicious sites, website certificates, and uses advanced machine learning to protect you.


Scams related to Florida SunPass and other services are increasing, but you can stay safe with awareness and the right tools. By understanding scam tactics (like fake toll alerts and phishing sites) and using anti-phishing features like OhioVPN’s Threat Protection Pro™, you can protect yourself from financial loss and identity theft.

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